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A Wales that works for all

Our legacy

£2,800,000,000,000 of debt, a housing crisis, an obesity crisis and climate change.

What we're doing isn't working but the political system we have cannot solve the problems we face, indeed it's responsible for many of them and it's not capable of meaningful change. Campaign for Democracy's systems transfer power from politicians in the Senedd to the people of Wales allowing us to create systems that work for all.


This is the campaigns introductory video covering the Swiss Direct Democracy system, our refrom system and how we get these systems into place in Wales.

Our System

Our two part system will allow the people of Wales to initiate referendums after the collection of a set number of signatures from registered voters.

Our system is based on the Swiss model, a system that has forced the four main parties in Switzerland to work together in one coalition government for over fifty years

Our separate reform process allows us to initiate referendums on reforming the political system and the influences on the system. We'll be able to challenge corporate power, media power and union power directly.

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Direct Democracy systems allow people to initiate binding referendums, to make their own laws or remove laws they don't want but like any system if it's set up badly then it won't work any better than our so-called representative democracy, a form of democracy that is neither representative or democratic. The button above leads to a series of pages that show how best to combine Direct Democracy with Parliamentary democracy so we get the best of both systems.

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Change is needed but people have different ideas on what needs to change so rather than campaign for particular reforms we campaign for a reform process, something we can all agree is needed, and more importantly something we can all support.

Political parties only change things when it's to their advantage, or to the advantage of those who pay their bills and that's why nothing changes.

Our transparent, open and honest reform process breaks the logjam.

The People.

Government by the people, for the people, but will it work? That's what we look at in this video and a few other things, such as Article 6 in the Swiss constituition.


We want a referendum on the introduction of our systems.

Beyond Politics.

What is politics?

Do we need politics?

Can we move beyond politics?

Maybe we can. In this last of the introductory videos we look at the four principles CfD is based on.

© 2025 Campaign for Democracy

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Promoted by Graham McArthur, 5 Foundry Terrace, Llanidloes, Powys, SY18 6AY

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