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About the campaign

The ideas behind Campaign for Democracy were developed by the founder of the campaign, Graham McArthur. He came up with the idea of getting floating voters who live in key marginal seats* to make a demand instead of a choice. If that demand was fair and reasonable any party that said no was almost certain to lose the election if other parties agreed to it.

The importance of the marginal seats is well known. Some have tried to use the situation in them to push their own agenda but because their motives were selfish they failed.

Graham McArthur looked for something that went beyond that, that went beyond politics. He saw that the biggest problem we have is that sovereignty, the ultimate power in the land lies in the hands of the political parties but politicians (and those who finance them) can't agree about what needs to change. To break the logjam what was needed was a transfer of power from politicians to people, a transfer of sovereignty and that requires the use of referendums.

It was also realised that a reform process was needed, one that was open to all and designed to accelerate the evolution of our political system.

These were ideas that everyone could get behind and so they became Campaign for Democracy's demand.

Campaign for Democracy has no links with any party or campaigning group. It will not make alliances with any party, group or individual. It is not, never has been and never will be financed by any group or individual that wishes to influence it's aims in any way.

The campaign's demand cannot be changed.

Once Campaign for Democracy has achieved a transfer of power from politicians to people in Wales it will be disbanded.

* Floating voters are people who will switch their vote to whichever party they think is best at the time of the election. Key marginal seats are those where the majority is usually low and switch between parties at elections. As a result of this a few thousand voters in these key marginal seats can decide who wins an election.

This is where you'll find everything you might want to know about Campaign for Democracy. You'll see the story of it's roots, the ideas behind the campaign, what we are up to now and how it will develop.

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